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Paulownia box Case

Paulownia box Case

NE529 paulownia box NE Case (belonging to a cross)

1,680/1 yen unit five lot price 1,560/1 yen unit
175 X 235 X 45㎜
※The name case is possible, too, and ask you in detail.

With cross with NE529H paulownia box NE Case [flower ball Pearl] seal

1,750/1 yen unit five lot price 1,630/1 yen unit
175 X 235 X 45㎜
※The name case is possible, too, and ask you in detail.

With cross with dark blue bunch string with NE529MFA paulownia box NE Case [real pearl] seal

2,170/1 yen unit five lot price 2,020/1 yen unit
175 X 235 X 45㎜
※The name case is possible, too, and ask you in detail.
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