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RS series

The neck Earring Ring set

Product Code:BSRS157NER
Size: 182*115*46mm
A price: ¥735/unit
Ten lot prices: ¥665/unit
■100 lot price \? ? ?


Product Code:BSRS155N
Size: 237*56*36mm
A price: ¥495/unit
Ten lot prices: ¥450/unit
■100 lot price \? ? ?

Free (belonging to a porch)

Product Code:BSRS140PO
Size: 95*95*60mm
A price: ¥555/unit
Ten lot prices: ¥505/unit
■100 lot price \? ? ?


Product Code:BSRS153R
Size: 70*70*53mm
A price: ¥335/unit
Ten lot prices: ¥305/unit
■100 lot price \? ? ?

Ring Earring Pendant

Product Code:BSRS153REP
Size: 70*70*53mm
A price: ¥335/unit
Ten lot prices: ¥305/unit
■100 lot price \? ? ?

Outer box


301-N gray/white (the small)

Product Code:BS301N12
Rotary hinge Chain (the small)
Size: 230*36*25mm
A price: ¥280/unit
Ten lot prices: ¥255/unit

501-N gray/white (very much)

Product Code:BS501N12
Rotary hinge Chain (very much) 
Size: 230*56*29mm
A price: ¥325/unit
Ten lot prices: ¥295/unit

701-NE gray/white

Product Code:BS701NE12
Pearl necklace Earring set
Size: 175*110*45mm
A price: ¥635/unit
Five lot prices: ¥575/unit
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